
Despite using Python for several years, I frequently get confused about how module imports work. I had been putting off properly learning this but a few weeks ago, I decided to finally grab the rose by its thorns. I followed my preferred approach to self-learn by experimenting with codes, while reading the “theory” along the way as needed.

I document my experiments and learning for my future reference, but this hopefully helps others as well.

If you’re a Python expert, please feel free to critically review this post, and provide your feedback in the comments, especially wherever I have made mistakes. After understanding the mistakes, I will update the post, with full credit to you.

If you’re a Python beginner—especially in the modules import topic—and plan to use this tutorial for self-learning, please do the following:

  • Follow along by writing the source codes—not just “copy pasting” my source codes.
  • Perform your own experiments, then pause and reflect upon what you have understood, before the next experiment.
  • Recommended: Verbally explain what you’re doing and what you have learned to a friend or a colleague. If you cannot find a human being, use a rubber duck or equivalent.
  • Most importantly, document your learning—even if you’re not sure you have understood correctly. The very act of writing it down will help you realize what you do not understand. You can keep revising your document as you gain better understanding.

Although this approach may take you ten times longer, you will learn a lot more and save yourself a lot of headaches in future.

Source codes

The source codes of my experiments are available on my github repository heavens-arena on the python/modules branch. Every experiment is a separate commit on this branch, and the output of the code is included as a comment within the file.

Experiments and learning

Experiment no. 0: start with Hello World

print("Hello World")

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Hello World

Wisdom, i.e. ज्ञान (Gyan): Following the rich traditions of software development.

Experiment no. 1: Call a method from another module in same directory

import message_provider


# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Hello World
# <class 'module'>
# ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'get_message']

def get_message():
    return "Hello World"


  • importing another module from the current directory is intuitive. The next experiment will explore this slightly more.
  • type() shows that message_provider is a module.
  • From the dir() output, of interest here is the get_message function, which is invoked from
  • These two methods will become more useful to understand the outcomes of the next experiments.

Experiment no. 2: Run python from a different directory

import message_provider
import sys


# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena> python .\python\modules\
# Hello World
# ['C:\\WORK\\dragondive\\heavens-arena\\python\\modules', 'C:\\WORK\\python', 'C:\\Users\\aravi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\', 'C:\\Users\\aravi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Lib', 'C:\\Users\\aravi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\aravi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311', 'C:\\Users\\aravi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Lib\\site-packages']


  • Python interpreter searches for the modules in the sys.path. [NOTE: Subsequent experiments will show this is not fully accurate, but this understanding is ok for now.]
  • The first entry in the sys.path is the directory that contains the input script (in this case, Hence, any other modules in that same directory will be discovered in the same way, even if python is invoked from a different directory. See the documentation for more details: The initialization of the sys.path module search path

Experiment no. 3: Move other module to other directory, then import only the other directory

The directory structure is now as following:

    +-- message/

import message

print(message.message_provider.get_message())   # error!

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# <class 'module'>
# ['__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__']
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\", line 5, in <module>
#     print(message.message_provider.get_message())
#           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# AttributeError: module 'message' has no attribute 'message_provider'


  • The directory gets imported as a module, but the submodules within that directory (in this case, message_provider) are not automatically imported into scope.
  • By itself, importing the directory has little benefit. However, by using an file in the directory, the directory import can be used for more practical purposes. I shall cover this in more detail in a future post.

Experiment no. 4: Import the module from the other directory

import message.message_provider


# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python   
# <class 'module'>
# ['__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'message_provider']
# <class 'module'>
# ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'get_message']
# Hello World


  • When a submodule is imported, it also becomes available as an attribute of the parent module.
  • All the members of the submodule are also available, but need to be accessed using the full module qualification (in this case, message.message_provider.get_message).
  • The members can also be imported as from module.submodule import member, then the member can be used without full module qualification. The difference between the two will be covered in subsequent experiments.

Experiment no. 5: Create a conflict with a standard module then “resolve” it by creating an file

The documentation on Packages says this:

The files are required to make Python treat directories containing the file as packages. This prevents directories with a common name, such as string, unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path.

The documentation on Module Search Path says this:

When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name.

To properly understand this, I created this “conflict” by renaming the message directory to string.

NOTE: I must emphasize, in case it is not already clear from the context, that this should not be done in a production environment. I do it in this experiment only to improve my understanding of how the module import works. This deeper knowledge is frequently useful while debugging “strange” problems even in “well-written” software.—without

import string.message_provider


# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\", line 1, in <module>
#     import string.message_provider
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'string.message_provider'; 'string' is not a package—with

import string.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# <class 'module'>
# ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'message_provider']
# <class 'module'>
# ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'get_message']
# Hello World


[In experiment no. 2, I had mentioned it is not fully accurate that the Python interpreter searches for modules in sys.path. This is where I properly resolve it.]

  • The python interpreter first searches for built-in modules with that name. Only when it doesn’t find it there, it looks into sys.path. Hence, a directory with a name matching a built-in module (in this case, string) will cause a conflict.
  • It is not advised to use such conflicting names in a production environment. Nonetheless, if one wants to do it anyway, the documentation suggests to create an file in the directory. This causes the interpreter to treat that directory as a package, and take precedence over the built-in module.

It wasn’t clear to me how creating the causes the interpreter to give precedence to the “local” module over the built-in module, even after searching on the internet and reading the official documentation for several hours. I also asked this question in the python forum: How exactly does influence module search order?

This article Python behind the scenes #11: how the Python import system works by Victor Skvortsov gives the most clear explanation. In particular:

How does it work? When Python traverses path entries in the path (sys.path or parent’s __path__) during the module search, it remembers the directories without that match the module’s name. If after traversing all the entries, it couldn’t find a regular package, a Python file or a C extension, it creates a module object whose __path__ contains the memorized directories.

The initial idea of requiring was to prevent directories named like string or site from shadowing standard modules. Namespace package do not shadow other modules because they have lower precedence during the module search.

I wrote an email to Victor thanking him for the article, and in turn, he pointed me to PEP 420 – Implicit Namespace Packages for further reading. I will take my time to understand the PEP and make a new blog post describing what I learn.

Experiment no. 6: Import a third module from the second module

After reverting the “conflict” commits, I raised the complexity of the module import learning by importing a third module from the second module. This also prepares the stage for the circular import related learning, which further helps to better understand how the module import works.

The directory structure is now as following:

    +-- answer/
    +-- message/

def get_answer():
    return 42

from answer.answer_provider import get_answer

def get_message():
    return "Hello " + str(get_answer())

import message.message_provider


# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Hello 42


In, I used from X import Y instead of import X. This was due to my misunderstanding that the latter would cause a circular import, based on my previous experiences with the #include directive of C & C++. However, after the subsequent experiments, I understood there wouldn’t have been a circular import anyway.

This experiment induced me to properly learn the following:

  • Circular import
  • The difference between import X and from X import Y

Experiment no. 7: Import from a deeper level directory

The directory structure is now as following:

    +-- answer/
            +-- deep/
    +-- message/

import answer.deep.answer_provider

def get_message():
    return "Hello " + str(answer.deep.answer_provider.get_answer())

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# <class 'module'>
# ['__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'deep']
# <class 'module'>
# ['__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'answer_provider']
# <class 'module'>
# ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'get_answer']
# Hello 42


  • As intuitively expected, modules within nested directory can be imported by qualifying them with the full module structure.
  • Each “level” of submodules is of module type, and its direct child modules are its attributes.

Experiment no. 8: Create a circular import

NOTE: I must emphasize again, in case it is not already clear from the context, that in a production environment, module organization should be carefully done to avoid potential circular imports at all. I create circular imports here and in subsequent experiments only to improve my understanding of how the module import works. As you will notice, this has also helped me to properly understand (at least to some extent) the difference between import X and from X import Y; and about how the interpreter handles the module table.

from message.message_provider import get_real_message

def get_answer():
    return 42

from answer.deep.answer_provider import get_answer

def get_message():
    return "Hello " + str(get_answer())

def get_real_message():
    return "The One Piece is REAL!!!"

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\", line 1, in <module>
#     import message.message_provider
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\message\", line 1, in <module>
#     from answer.deep.answer_provider import get_answer
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\answer\deep\", line 1, in <module>
#     from message.message_provider import get_real_message
# ImportError: cannot import name 'get_real_message' from partially initialized module 'message.message_provider' (most likely due to a circular import) (C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\message\


The circular import is related to the topic of the difference between import X and from X import Y which was mentioned before. The most clear explanations I found are this StackOverflow answer and this Software Engineering SE answer. After reading them together, I summarize my understanding as below:

  • The interpreter maintains a module table, which has a mapping from the module name to a “reference” to the respective module.
  • When the interpreter encounters an import statement import X:
    • If X does not exist in the module table:
      • The interpreter looks for the module using the module search path.
      • When it finds the module, it adds a new entry to the module table.
      • It also binds the name X to the module in the local scope.
      • Then it starts “executing” the statements in the module, which may include (trying to) import other modules specified.
    • If X already exists in the module table:
      • The interpreter binds the name X in the local scope to the known module reference.
  • When the interpreter encounters an import statement from X import Y, it performs all the steps as above, except that it does not bind the name X to the local scope, but instead binds the name Y to the member from the module X.

In this specific experiment, the “execution” proceeds like this:

# NOTE: Omitting directory names for brevity
import message_provider  # >-----+
                         #   [1] |
#    # <-----+    <-----------------+
from answer_provider import get_answer  # >----+        |
                                        #  [2] |    [3] |
#                    # <----+        |
from message_provider import get_real_message  # >------+

[1] The interpreter finds message_provider and adds a reference to the module table. It then starts “executing” the message_provider module.
[2] While message_provider has not been fully “executed”, the interpreter looks for answer_provider and adds it to the module table.
[3] The interpreter already has message_provider in the module table, but it has not yet encountered get_real_message. Hence, it cannot bind this name in the local scope of answer_provider. But until it does that, it cannot proceed to “execute” the rest of message_provider—where it would have found get_real_message!.
This creates the circular import problem.

Experiment no. 9: Resolve the circular import by importing entire module

The source code change from experiment no. 8 is that in, the full module message.message_provider is imported, not only get_real_message. This resolves the circular import as explained below:

import message.message_provider

def get_answer():
    return 42

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# The One Piece is REAL!!!
# Hello 42


In this experiment, the “execution” proceeds like this:

# NOTE: Omitting directory names for brevity
import message_provider  # >-----+
                         #   [1] |
##   # <-----+
from answer_provider import get_answer  # >---+
#                                         [2] |
# ... rest                    +               |  <-----+
#     of                  [5] |               |        |
#     the                     |               |        |
#     module ...              X               |        |
#                                             |        |
##                     <---+        |
import message_provider       #     +                  |
#                               [3] |                  |
# ... rest                          |                  |
#     of                            |                  |
#     the                           |              [4] |
#     module ...                    X   ---------------+

[1] The interpreter finds message_provider and adds a reference to the module table. It then starts “executing” the message_provider module.
[2] It looks for answer_provider and adds it to the module table. It then starts “executing” the answer_provider module.
[3] It already has message_provider in the module table, so binds the name message_provider to it in answer_provider’s local scope. It then continues to “execute” rest of the answer_provider module.
[4] After the end of “executing” answer_provider, it returns to the message_provider module.
[5] It continues “executing” rest of the message_provider module until the end.
Hence, the circular import problem does not occur.

Experiment no. 10: Second module fully includes third module, but third module partially includes second module

I did this experiment mainly to verify my learning from experiment no. 8. The only difference is message_provider now fully imports answer_provider, and not only the get_answer method. Following the same “execution” flow as in experiment no. 9, I figured out this should also lead to a circular import, and it did.

import answer.deep.answer_provider

def get_message():
    return "Hello " + str(answer.deep.answer_provider.get_answer())

def get_real_message():
    return "The One Piece is REAL!!!"

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\", line 1, in <module>
#     import message.message_provider
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\message\", line 1, in <module>
#     from answer.deep.answer_provider import get_answer
#   File "C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\answer\deep\", line 1, in <module>
#     from message.message_provider import get_real_message
# ImportError: cannot import name 'get_real_message' from partially initialized module 'message.message_provider' (most likely due to a circular import) (C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules\message\

Experiment no. 11: “Hack” to resolve the circular import by putting the import statement at end of the module

This was another experiment I did mainly to verify my learning from experiment no. 8. In message_provider, I placed the import answer.deep.answer_provider statement at the end of the module. I expected that this should resolve the circular import, and indeed, it did.

NOTE: Once again, this “hack” should not be used in a production environment.

def get_message():
    return "Hello " + str(answer.deep.answer_provider.get_answer())

def get_real_message():
    return "The One Piece is REAL!!!"

import answer.deep.answer_provider

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# The One Piece is REAL!!!
# Hello 42


In experiment no. 8, the circular import occured when the interpreter was “executing” answer_provider module. It tried to import message.message_provider.get_real_message, which it did not know yet. However, when the import statement is placed at the end, the interpreter already knows this method before it starts “executing” answer_provider module, hence circular import does not occur.

Experiment no. 12: Always import full module to fix the circular import

This was the final experiment to conclude—for now—my learning from experiment no. 8. I changed the import statements everywhere to import the full module, and as expected, this did not cause any circular imports.

import message.message_provider

def get_answer():
    return 42

import message.message_provider

# PS C:\WORK\dragondive\heavens-arena\python\modules> python
# The One Piece is REAL!!!
# Hello 42


For reasons I cannot fully describe clearly, this experiment reminded me of the forward declaration in C & C++. The forward declaration is used in many cases where two (or more) classes (or structs) refer to each other. For example, class A holds a pointer (or reference) to class B, while class B includes an instance of class A. In such cases, it becomes necessary to forward declare class B (without fully defining it) before the definition of class A.

The module import table in Python feels similar because it holds only a reference to the module, even when it is not fully initialized. If instead, it required the module to be fully interpreted for being imported, then it would be practically impossible to avoid circular imports.

Next steps

In the course of this learning, I also got to know about the following:

  • Some special situations where the file is used in ways besides what has been described in this post.
  • Python 3.3 introduced namespace packages in addition to the regular packages. As a result, the is not strictly required in many common situations. Moreover, a package can be organized across multiple directories.
  • locals(), globals(), sys.modules and a few other built-in methods and/or variables that relate to module imports.
  • PEP 420 Implicit Namespace Packages as already mentioned in this post.

I thought to explore these topics to get better understanding, but I didn’t want to risk losing my learning by waiting too long to write it down. Hence, I decided to push this first installment of Gyan out of the door, and I will write about the other topics in a separate post later.