Wheel of Privilege
Wheel of Privilege


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is one among many topics close to my heart. :heart: Over the past year or so, I have followed many DEI experts and activists on LinkedIn. Whenever I found any insightful or useful posts by them, I would save them for future reference.

However, the UX (User Experience)—another topic close to my heart :heart:—of LinkedIn is atrocious … and I’m being polite here. Among other reasons, it is impossible to categorize the saved posts, search through them, or open them in a background tab. I never had any high hopes of LinkedIn fixing these atrocities, but especially after Microsoft’s recent—self-created—staff shortage problem, whatever little hope I had is lost.

Hence, I decided to organize those saved posts on my own blog here. This will start as an unstructured collection of posts, but I hope to organize and categorize them by topics, authors, etc. over a period of time. Please be kind to me as I do this in my private time, and this is not even my official field of expertise—though, to be fair, I definitely have much greater depth of knowledge than many DEI “professionals” who see DEI as merely another tickbox in a corporate publicity checklist.

DEI posts