My previous post described my motivation to start the blog and why I chose Github Pages with Jekyll for the blog hosting. In this post, I will describe the technical setup—mostly for my future reference. :wink:

Preparing the Github repository

[Github provides one “free” personal site on Github Pages. I already had a Github account]

The server side setup was just creating a new public repository with the name exactly matching as described in their documentation.

[The client side setup was also simple. For practical reasons, I use Windows on my personal laptop for development. Using chocolatey, I already have many developer tools installed (and regularly updated) and a readily working developer environment.]

I made a local clone of the above repository and was ready for the next step.

Installing WSL2, Ruby and Jekyll

WSL2 installation

[Linux environment still remains much more practically useful for developers than Windows. The Windows Subsystem for Linux is generally an adequate alternative to a full Linux system.]

WSL2 can be installed using chocolatey with choco install wsl2. The Ruby and Jekyll setups described in further sections require this.

I already had a Ubuntu distribution installed previously. Nonetheless, I removed the previous installation and reinstalled it. This is only a matter of running two commands and following the instructions that come up—and, of course, restarting the system a few times.

wsl --unregister Ubuntu     # remove previous Ubuntu
wsl --install -d Ubuntu     # install Ubuntu

Ruby and Jekyll installation

To install Ruby and Jekyll, I followed the installation instructions Jekyll on Windows. However, this Stack Overflow answer You don’t have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory is more practically useful for the Ruby installation. I also faced some access issues with the installation instructions, which were resolved by following the Stack Overflow answer.

Creating a local site

Github’s instructions here Creating your site are simple to follow.

Publish to Github Pages

The posts can be written in the _posts folder as markdown files. See Posts | Jekyll to get started. There are various Jekyll attributes that provide more features, but I can learn them over time. :smile:

Publishing the website consists of simply pushing the changes to the gh-pages branch (which must be configured in the repository’s settings on Github). The Github Actions performs the Jekyll build which converts the markdown files into HTML.

[I already had written elsewhere the content of my first post. How many tampons does a woman astronaut need in space? I rewrote it markdown and published it right away.]

I struggled for a while with alignment and caption of images but after trying various suggestions on Stack Overflow and Github forums, I went with raw HTML for now, as suggested in this answer. [I may come back to a better approach when I have a better understanding of Jekyll.]

Adding images to the posts

[I didn’t find the documentation very clear on where the Jekyll engine looks for images and how exactly to specify the relative path in the markdown.] After reading some forum posts and some experiments, I figured out that these are placed under the assets/images directory in the project’s root, and the correct syntax in markdown is:

![image_title](/assets/images/image-filename.extension){: jekyll inline attributes }

The Jekyll inline attributes can be used, for example, to apply css styles to the image.

Doing a local build

[For the first several times, I tested my changes by force pushing to Github. This is a needlessly complex and inefficient approach, besides the build with Github Actions alone took over a minute. I decided to “eventually” figure out how to first build locally after I got my blog in a reasonable working state.

This turned out to be a great decision because when I did eventually get to it, I had to struggle for several hours with dependency hell. Nonetheless, I write about it here since this order is more appropriate for my future reference.]

The command to build locally itself is quite simple:

jekyll serve --watch --force-polling --livereload

This is supposed to host the website on localhost:4000. The additional flags do the following:

--watch             rebuild the site when the source changes
--force-polling     for a Windows-specific issue that source changes are not reliably detected
--livereload        reload the webpage automatically after it is rebuilt

However, practically I remember at least three main dependency issues:

  • <internal:core> core/kernel.rb:236:in `gem_original_require': cannot load such file -- webrick (LoadError)

    This was resolved relatively easily by manually installing the webrick gem, even though this wasn’t very intuitive for a beginner.

  • /home/dragondive/.rbenv/versions/3.1.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.4.8/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:304:in `check_for_activated_spec!': You have already activated i18n 1.12.0, but your Gemfile requires i18n 0.9.5. Prepending `bundle exec` to your command may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)

    [This violated the Principle of Least Surprise for me. As a user, I did not explicitly ask for any specific version of i18n (or any other gem). I went with the default Gemfile that the Jekyll site creation command generated. It was surprising to me that these dependencies were not already addressed.] Nonetheless, I followed the stated advice to prepend bundle exec and the issue was “resolved”.

  • jekyll 3.9.2 | Error: undefined method `tainted?' for "":String

    This one, I struggled with, for the longest time. While I do not fully understand it, I found out that it is due to the underlying Ruby language introducing some breaking changes, as described here and here.

    I eventually “fixed” this by downgrading the Ruby version to 3.1.3. This did not cleanly work, so I had to get rid of my WSL2 Ubuntu installation entirely, create a new one and do all the steps from scratch. :unamused:

[My first impression of Ruby has not been positive :angry:. I hope this changes in future as I know it better. I hope even more that I wouldn’t need to know it any better. :disappointed:]

Customizing the blog theme

Adventures with the minima theme

The blog uses jekyll/minima theme by default. It’s nice, but I strongly prefer the dark mode. This was easy to configure in the _config.yml file:

  skin: dark

As I tried further customizations, I learned that the minima gem is not regularly updated. However, the _config.yml could be configured to use it directly from its github repository.

remote_theme: jekyll/minima

From the documentation Understanding gem-based themes, I learned that for further customization, I could explicitly create some of the site’s directories (which are included in the gem but hidden by default), so next I locally copied those directories from the theme’s repository.

However, I struggled with several dead ends with this customization. In particular, my efforts to add a commenting system to the posts caused the layout and dark mode customization to mess up completely. After spending several hours trying to understand this, I decided to look for other themes to use instead. I had intended to do this eventually anyway.

Switch to jekyll-clean-dark theme

I discovered the jekyll-clean-dark theme by Pavel Makhov and instantly loved it. I especially found the tags feature immensely beneficial as it suited my multi-dimensional professional identity. I cleaned up the minima artifacts and copied over the jekyll-dark-theme as suggested in the readme.

Tagging the blog posts

Tagging with the jekyll-dark-theme consists of two steps:

  • Add a list of tags in the post’s front matter:

    - DEI
    - story
  • Generating the md files in tag directory, which can be done more conveniently using the admin page

Adding a commenting system

[I was familiar with Disqus and Discourse commenting systems and explored them for a while. Then my train of thoughts wandered to a discussion I had with a colleague in my corporate life in a different context. I was telling him about how Github provides an integrated CI/CD platform, Github Actions; an integrated issue tracker (albeit with limited functionality); and an integrated website hosting, Github Pages (although mostly for static content).]

I wondered if there’s a Github-based solution for commenting system as well. As expected, some genius minds had thought of that already. There is utterances and giscus. I chose giscus because it felt more logical that comments go to Github discussions than to Github issues. The giscus webpage provides a very easy interface to generate the integration code.

I read through the theme’s code to understand better how it worked and to figure out where to enter the code for giscus integration. As a first trial, I included it in _layouts/post.html and it worked. Then I reorganized and cleaned up the setup to place it directly below the blog post. For now, I enable commenting in the front matter of every post, but there’s likely an option to configure this globally.

With this, I have a reasonably good blog setup in place, which I will improve over time.